Diversity is a good thing if it has happened naturally. Diversity is evil if it is forced upon an unsuspecting public and used as a propaganda tool to achieve political power. Nearly all of the Biden appointments are of the latter type. Quality of leadership has been cast aside for cosmetics. None of the Biden office holders are qualified for their positions. Some are even the worst possible of selections, individuals espousing an ideology contrary to the very essence of America: Individual Freedom and Equality under the Law. Their very presence in key government positions has placed the Nation in peril as both enemies and allies have noted the lack of actual experience and common sense of the Biden cabinet officials.
In some cases, it seems that the Biden Administration has even installed officers to spite the American people. Many are the ideologues and incompetents of the previous Obama Administration. Some are the lower-level Obama holdovers that stayed below the radar in the government bureaucracies, torpedoing the policies of then President Trump. Now they have been elevated to positions of power and are poised to destroy the Nation.
One of the required abilities of a successful leader is an inherent skill to identify and promote good people. It is clear that neither Biden nor his handlers have this necessary skill. Their primary skill appears to be the effective use of propaganda.
Kamala Harris was selected to be the Vice President because she is Black and female. Her past performance in office in the U. S. Senate and in California should have been a warning that she was not qualified to lead the Nation.
Pete Buttigieg was a failed mayor of a small town. He was selected to be the Secretary of Transportation because he is a married gay man. He has no experience in handling a large organization or in meeting the transportation needs of the United States.
The Secretary of Defense, Lloyd James Austin III was a retired United States Army four-star general. He previously served as the 12th commander of United States Central Command and was appointed to that position by President Barack Obama. After retiring from the armed services in 2016 he joined the boards of Raytheon Technologies, Nucor, Tenet Healthcare, and Auburn University. After the January 6th protests at the U. S. Capital, Austin bowed to Democrat leadership’s claims of right-wing extremism among the troops and announced that every unit of the United States military; Active, Reserve, and Guard would be required to stand down within the next 60 days in order to conduct “sensitivity” training. He is a political operator, a good orator, and a poor leader.
Biden’s Secretary of State, John Blinken is a career government official. He previously served as deputy national security advisor then as deputy secretary of state under President Barack Obama. During the Clinton administration, Blinken served in the State Department and in senior positions on the National Security Council. He advocated for the 2003 invasion of Iraq while serving as the Democratic staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. When Blinken was nominated to be the deputy Secretary of State, the late Senator John McCain denounced his nomination. He considered Blinken “unqualified” and “one of the worst selections of a very bad lot.” The old maverick said, “In this case, this individual has actually been dangerous to America and to the young men and women who are fighting and serving it.” McCain was objecting to the Blinken/Obama plan to pull out of Afghanistan on a timetable. He was right.
Continuing the theme of diversity appointments, Biden nominated an openly transgender individual, Dr. Rachel Levine, to become the assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Levine was appointed to be Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf in 2017. She was then a professor in pediatrics at the Penn State College of Medicine. As the Pennsylvania Health Secretary, Levine faced scrutiny after she moved her mother out of a personal care facility shortly after implementing a policy directing Pennsylvania’s nursing homes and certain care facilities to admit recovered COVID-19 patients who were treated at nearby hospitals. Levine issued the following response to the scrutiny, “My mother requested, and my sister and I as her children complied to move her to another location during the Covid-19 outbreak . . . My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions.” As the new assistant HHS Secretary, Levine was promoted to the rank of a four-star admiral in the US Public Health Service Corps, a 6,000-person service that sends government medical officials to respond to health crises like Covid-19 or natural disasters. The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is one of eight uniformed services in the United States which includes the military branches, i.e. the Army, the Marines Corps, the Navy, the Air Force, the Space Force, and the Coast Guard. The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps specifically handles medical issues. This is not a military rank of Admiral. The rank of Admiral is temporary and generally used only in times of war. Nevertheless, Levine was touted as the first “female” Admiral by the Biden Administration.
There are many other examples of diversity setting the bar for clearance into the Biden administration. There are no apparent meritocracy appointments, just nominees that can check-off the race and/or gender box, perhaps even both. But what is the actual purpose?
The purpose is diversion. To keep the public focus off the ultimate goal of the utopian State of Socialism where Equity, Diversity and Inclusion replace Equality of Opportunity, Equality under the Law, and Individual Freedom. The goal of a perfect collective State is impossible to achieve. It requires a global embrace of individual uniformity where the elites-in-charge write the rules for the distribution of welfare to the masses. It is impossible to achieve because it creates its own non-uniform separation of the social class. The inevitable clash of classes leads to the destruction of the civil society’s cultural organization and replacement with an oligarchical dictatorship. The moral strength of the nuclear family, equality under the Law, actual biology and scientific principles as well as spiritual beliefs must all be overcome to advance the control by the State. And that is a perversion.
Truth is spoken!
A thoughtful, incisive analysis.