Enough is enough. Both Congressional Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) and Maxine Waters (D-California) called for protests in the streets following the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade. Waters said, “To Hell with the Supreme Court.” These calls for violence were not made from the protected floor of the House chamber. They incited violence in public and should be impeached. They didn’t say “protest peacefully.” So, if there is violence, property damage or even loss of life as a result of their incitement of the far-left, will they be held to account? No. That’s not the way it works in America today. Justice is not blind, it favors the far-left insurrection, so Justice has been corrupted by instigators of violence. Why?
The SCOTUS decision was the correct interpretation of the Constitution. That is their role to perform. The question has been returned to the individual State legislatures to resolve. That places the decision on Life in the hands of the elected representatives of THE PEOPLE, not the appointed Justices on the Supreme Court. So, the matter may now be concluded differently in each state. The result will be states that allow, or even encourage abortions and states that do not. This will be the same as it was before Roe v. Wade. It will be the same as the old “open” vs. “dry” jurisdictions of yesteryear. Just go across the state line to fulfill your desire. That is a temporary solution at best and will lead to more corrupt practices. The matter must be resolved through debate and codified by THE PEOPLE. And that is what the elected Congressional representatives are supposed to do. Their role is not to incite violent protests.
If the American people are so shallow that they continue to elect the likes of Waters and Ocasio-Cortez, then we will see more and more division. The chaos will be apparent to many, including America’s enemies. If we don’t value individual Life, then we are the same as many of those enemy nations who favor the collective over the rights of the Individual. The real question is “When do those rights begin?” And that is for THE PEOPLE to decide with the same Higher Guidance as that placed in the hearts of America’s founders.
VOTEdemsout2022. (Start with Maxine Waters and AOC)
Ditto what Robert L said. . .insightful analysis, Martin.
Yet another example of the entitled dictating how we are to respond.
My response will be on bent knee praising our Lord.